Quite a few days ago now (but not quite 100), I made the decision to post every day on this blog. No matter how long or how short, it didn’t matter what happened that day: I needed to post. So far, I’ve kept that promise to myself.

I’ve noticed some changes in that time. It’s not as difficult to squeeze out 300 words after a long day, and sometimes many more words seem to spring out of my fingers. My posts are starting to suck less, although they’re far, far away from where I’d like them to be. Occasionally I post original content. There’s even a few people who stop by. (Hello!)

I’m not restricting myself to one type of content, although I do have a general direction in mind for where this blog could go. We’ll see what happens — I’m excited for the future.

So here’s to the next 100 posts. May they be full of reason, creativity, and beautiful imagery.