Funny that AJA Cortes posted a thread about procrastination tonight, because I’ve been putting off this post for hours because I don’t know what to write about.

At this point, even though next to nobody reads this blog, I feel that I should have polished presentations to give to you every day. This very rarely happens, but usually I can dream up a post about something that seems thoughtful and deliberate.

That’s always been a problem for me: not knowing what to write, so procrastinating, and instead of using all that procrastinated time to conceive and develop a good topic, I just wing it at the end.

Most of the time it works out okay for me, but sometimes it doesn’t.

When it’s just me, that’s totally fine. Shouting into the internet void with a blog, that’s okay. Not ideal, but okay.

The problem comes when people have expectations of me, or depend upon my performance in any way. Then it becomes much harder to put things off until the last minute. Other people don’t think or react that way, for one.

Or if you’re dealing with a lot of people, it’s impossible for the group to react quickly enough to matter. You can’t just wing it in the end.

Funny how procrastination ends where other people start.