Christmas was the first time I drank any alcohol since going full carnivore back in May. I had one bourbon. It seemed to metabolize perfectly, to disappear without a trace.

Tonight, I had another in a night out with some friends. Not the same reaction at all. I can’t think, can’t concentrate, can’t string two words or thoughts together. I’ve started two different posts but neither of them are coming together, and the more tired I become by staying up, the more my brain is shutting down.

Since I now regret that I did not write today’s post before I went out, I will write one of those “random updates” posts.

  • I was correct in thinking that I can’t really handle alcohol on this way of eating. (But who am I kidding, I shouldn’t have drank much on any way of eating.)
  • Decided to learn Korean, because I’m not embarrassed enough at my torrid love affair with Korean entertainment.
  • Working on quite a few review posts that I’m hoping to get posted before the end of the year.
  • All the furniture I bought for really cheap is still sitting in a trailer in a different town. Fat lot of good that does me.
  • Still using shampoo on my hair. It’s working out okay.
  • Yesterday’s post got the most views out of all the posts I’ve made so far, probably because I tagged all those people on twitter.
  • Confession: I claim to like reading and books but I don’t do much reading.
  • Confession II: there are 19 tabs open in my browser right now. It’s a problem.

Life is lots of these little moments, and I intend to stack so many of these on top of each other during 2018 that I rip a few holes in the universe.

Good holes, tho. No airlock catastrophes.