But I really don’t.

I get stressed out that there’s something that I missed, that there’s a cooler place or a better deal or something.

This weekend I took the first step on finalizing my first-ever Real Adult Vacation with a friend. It’s going to be great. There will be beaches, and sunshine, and hiking. Good food and hopefully some good conversations. Time away from everything, exploring new places.

I’m psyched.

Except for the planning.

Yet, if you told me that someone else could plan it, I’d be saying “BUT DID YOU REMEMBER THIS??”

I think it’s more the “make a decision” thing that gets to me. Especially if there’s always the possibility of a better option hiding somewhere. I like coming up with options, but like the action on those options much less.

Anyway, no matter how it comes out, this vacation is going to be amazeballs.

I need to get over the FOMO and do it.