» The fake news media is once again manipulating images to make perfectly reasonable people look like Nazis.

» Caitlin Johnstone took one for the team

» It still blows my mind that more people don’t know about this study on how everybody else can predict liberal behavior but liberals don’t have a clue about anybody but themselves:

Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the Care and Fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives.

» To make a cup of coffee, it takes more than a village

» BTS may not have factored in cultural differences, especially their American fanbase’s tendency toward SJWism, when they went hard for the North American market this year. K-pop groups use American and European style tropes out-of-context all the time—except now they’re going to get called on it.

» Yet more proof that regulators don’t care about us, and that the people who speak out are smeared or silenced.

In 2004, a world no-one anticipated came into view. As part of an FDA review of paediatric antidepressant trials at this point, it became clear that all trials in paediatric depression were negative, that all published studies were ghost or company written, in all cases the data were inaccessible and in the case of the published studies, the publications were at odds with the data regulators revealed. The data on both benefits and harms was systematically distorted in publications even in the leading medical journals (5). This came to a head over the issue of suicide in 2004, when New York State filed a fraud action against GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), primarily on the basis that a ghost-written publication of Study 3291 claimed paroxetine worked for and was safe for children who were depressed, when in an internal review it had recognised it didn’t work and had opted to pick out the good bits of this study and publish them (6).

» Related: I don’t really know what’s going on with the Cochrane/Gotzsche situation, but it doesn’t look good.

» A whole thread of favorite k-pop stages.