
Style reveals substance

Month: December 2017 (page 3 of 4)

Six months with Batfort

Guys! Readers! All 2 of you! It’s been six months now.

Crazy, right?

You don’t know me, but if you’d been able to look over my shoulder at all the other blogs that I’ve abandoned all over the internet, you’d know that I usually make it about a month before I get bored with an idea and wander away.

For this blog, I decided on no rules. The only rule is “tell the truth.” Even the supposed question at the center of this blog (what is the relationship between aesthetics and truth?) doesn’t even get addressed in some of the posts.

We bounce around from k-pop to the alt-right to my daily life, books and publishing to fashion and my experiences in higher education. It’s not cohesive, not really.

But that’s okay.

It’s gotten us this far.

Some posts I’m actually kinda proud of. Others, not so much.

The goal for the next six month is to create more posts that I’m proud of than posts I’m not. Here’s how we’re going to get there:

  • More posts with infographics, because they’re fun
  • More posts where I talk about what I’m thinking about, even when it seems weird. Those posts seem to flow better.
  • Prioritize writing my posts earlier in the evening, so I’m not falling asleep while I’m writing
  • Write about products and books that I like
  • Try to incorporate more research and sources

Basically, I need to push myself in creating more original content. (Isn’t that the eternal state of the millennial?)

Today at my day job I edited a document that shouldn’t exist. Instead of getting published, it should have been set on fire and drop kicked into the void. Editing that thing was physically painful. If it were to become something that I personally was okay with, I would have to flay it down to the bones and start over.

Looking at that document reminded me that I often have things to say (OPINIONS, WHAT?) and that I have a gift of seeing what should or should not exist on a page or in an argument. Things just make sense once I understand them and their context.

I have the capability. I just need to shift my focus on to this blog and onto things that I want to exist and onto the truth.

That’s what’s important.

It bothers me when people treat “data” as a plural noun

There you go, the entire post is in the title. You can stop reading now if you want.

Some people still use data as the plural of datum (which is technically true), but then write something like “The data were crazy.” I believe that syntax like this makes the writer sound crazy, not the data–even if it is mandated by a house publishing style.

I think of “data” as a count noun; yes, there are multitudes of data points but they can be treated as one entity. Something more along the lines of “data set” rather than “chickens.”

“The chickens were crazy” totally works, you know.

To make sure that I’m not crazy, I ran a dictionary-check to be sure.

Mirriam Webster agrees that it’s “the data is plentiful,” not “the data are plentiful.”

This distinction has come up in my professional life a few times in the past few weeks, as some of the academic administrators who write about my job area love the make themselves sound smart. Apparently one strategy is to use data as plural when it doesn’t work.

Now I have ammo to fight against it, and so do you.


That fine line between beautiful and useful

You’d never know there was an upside to a housefire.

That upside, for me, is salvage furniture that’s wasn’t damaged, but is written off my insurance. Apparently they sell it–for cheap–which makes it an idea place to find affordable, quality furniture.

I’m now the owner of a Restoration Hardware couch, which I bought for $200. Yes, please.

One of the pieces that I looked at was a beautiful coffee table, brass with a wood burl veneer on top. It was exquisite. New, it cost $3000. Fire salvage, $250.

An absolute steal.

But would I use it? I need a coffee table. Does it fit with my couch and the other furniture that I have? Or would it be difficult to work around? Being that much more “nice” than everything else I have could be a detriment, because by comparison everything else would look shabby.

I would have had to design an entirely new life to fit in around that coffee table, one where I artfully drink coffee on Saturday mornings and have decorative objects picked up from my latest trip to Borneo clumped artfully on my fireplace mantle. (Problem: my apartment doesn’t have a fireplace.)

Yes, the coffee table was a great deal monetarily. I have my doubts on whether or not it was a great deal in terms of lifestyle and context.

It was beautiful, but not for me. Not right now at least. Sometimes you have to know when to admire and let go.

That used to be difficult for me. I would want to become that new person who lives that life in which the coffee table (or the blouse) makes sense. As I’ve gotten older, though, I’ve started to realize that there’s only one person that I can be (me), and if external trappings don’t help me to become more fully that person, they don’t belong in my life.

No matter how beautiful, if an object isn’t useful–both in an absolute context and relative to other objects that you already own–it’s effectively worthless. It makes me sad to think about that coffee table in this way, because the craftsmanship was so good, but it doesn’t make sense in the context of my life right now.

I could be wrong. Maybe I’ll wake up in a cold sweat tomorrow morning because I didn’t buy that gorgeous coffee table.

But I doubt it.

Image of the Week: Judgement edition

Because, really, what describes the current climate in Hollywood better than this?

Ten or so years ago, I was really into celebrity gossip. It was one of those short, intense addictions that I fell into because I like a constant stream of new information.

Twitter does that for me now.

Anyhow, most of it was garden-variety People magazine stuff, but I also gravitated toward the blind item sites like Crazy Days and Nights. That is, until I realized how sordid and awful a lot of the stuff was that I was reading about.

I didn’t quite make the connection to the real world.

Well, Crazy Days and Nights is back, and seems to be a player in helping to expose all of the awfulness and corruption in the entertainment industry.

Funny how things go full circe.

Also “funny” how LA is literally on fire right now.

Carnivore guy on Joe Rogan

More like podcast roulette. I’m posting this before I listen to it.

You know why?

Because Shawn Baker MD is one of the reasons I’m a carnivore, and is a tireless advocate of eating meat and how it’s better for you and me and you.

(The comments on the YouTube video area already trash, but what’s new? Angry vegans sure are a sight to behold.)

Anyway, Joe Rogan can be a good host sometimes, and I appreciate that’s he’s open-minded enough to have all sorts of different guests on his show. Sometimes I wish he would learn a little bit more from them, but that’s not up to me.

Shawn is stepping out into a pro-carnivore messaging campaign, and the JRE audience would be a decent place to start.

If you’re curious about becoming a strict carnivore (or “zero carb” as some prefer), it’s pretty great. If you happen to be anything like me, it’ll be way less stressful on your body than being in ketosis, and it’s way easier to follow. You just eat meat until you’re full. (And then maybe eat some more, if you’re in the early stages.)

Switching to a diet made up of animal products only has been the best decision I’ve made in the last 5 years; I’m so glad I did it.

And I’m glad people like Shawn are talking about it, because otherwise my autoimmune disease would be running my life.

I have a confession to make

I’m back on shampoo.

I know, I know.

It’s weird having such clean hair.

But with the move and the monthlong period of being a nomad, and all the newness coming at me (I’m not good at “new” even when I ask for it), something was bound give.

It wasn’t going to be my carnivorous diet, for dang sure.

It also turns out that hard water + unwashed hair equals a sticky mess. (Seriously. It was gross.)

So what gave was the “no washing with shampoo” routine.

Even with a crunchy seaweed-based shampoo, I don’t love how my hair feels. It’s so dry and sad.

Eventually, as I settle in, I’ll figure out what I want to do next. I can get a filtered showerhead, or rinse my hair with vinegar to counteract the minerals, or stick with shampoo but add a pH-balancing scalp treatment.

In the meantime, I’m a normal-haired person again.


Who needs internet when you can have… No internet

Sorry for the interruption, folks, but my “easy” “self-install” internet is neither of those things.

It’s probably good that you’re not getting a proper post tonight, because it would be another k-pop post.


Always A/B Testing

One of the things I admire most about SM Entertainment is that they are constantly iterating and A/B testing the groups, songs, and concepts that they produce.

If you pay attention to how they operate as an entity, rather than focusing exclusively on one of their groups, you can see a real-time example of why they’re one of the biggest entertainment groups in k-pop.

They’ve created entire “entertainment properties” to showcase this A/B testing.

SM Rookies

Before NCT debuted as its various subgroups, SM conducted rigorous testing through the online series SM Rookies. They tried out various different configurations of trainee groups. Sometimes this is really rough, as with the “SR15B dance practice” video, or music-video quality in the case of “Bassbot” and “Super Moon.”

“Super Moon” is interesting because of the three members–Taeyong, Johnny, and Hansol–featured in it, Hansol did not debut with any NCT units. In fact, he’s no longer under contract with SM Entertainment.

I suspect this is because Hansol has an almost identical “look” as Yuta, who did debut with NCT 127.

[Warning: unknown quantities of confirmation bias ahead.]

With male groups, SM tends to assemble a variety of different types. For example, if you compare a photo of EXO with a photo of BTS, you can see what I mean. EXO members each have their own charm, while–with the exception of Rap Monster–BTS members have a similar vibe. NCT is no exception to this, as you can label each member as “The ______ One” even if you know nothing about their personalities.

If you compare Hansol and Yuta in other footage from SM Rookies, Yuta is hungrier. Despite being Japanese, Yuta has been described as “more Korean than the Koreans.” You can literally watch Yuta work solidify his status as “the sexy one” as NCT 127 has practiced, promoted, and performed “Cherry Bomb” this year. (I have the YouTube receipts for this–let me know in the comments if you want me to post them.)

From my completely outsider perspective, it makes sense that if you have two trainees who look almost identical but have different work ethics, you’ll pick the one who is going to work harder.

SM Station

One of SM’s staples on YouTube is SM Station, which features single songs that are collaborations, off-brand concepts for an existing group, or other “random” things. There are a lot of fun songs under this umbrella. (Don’t mind me plugging my boy Chen again.)

Right now, I suspect that they’re testing a subgroup or solo venture featuring Wendy from Red Velvet. In the past months, she’s been featured in two different SM Station releases.

One is a jazz version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” which prominently features the fact that she’s an English speaker and a strong vocalist.

The other is a collaboration with singers Baek a Yeon and Jaehyun (from NCT). Another seasonal song, called “The Little Match Girl,” but it’s in Korean and puts Wendy’s voice in a different context than Red Velvet.

SM is also simultaneously running a test between Jaehyun and Doyoung as soloists from NCT 127. Jaehyun has gotten two SM Station songs so far versus Doyoung’s one (although Doyoung has been featured in some live stages), so we’ll have to wait and see what comes of this.

The one downside that I can see is that all of the tests attract at least some fans, so you still have a small contingent of NCT stans who wonder about Hansol. I could see this building up into ill will if SM made the wrong decision, but clearly NCT is succeeding reasonably well without Hansol so I doubt it will become a huge problem. I could see this negative feedback being another metric to check your decisions against.

I don’t really know what SM’s intentions are with SM Station, or what the outcome will be.If I can figure out a way to reverse-engineer YouTube views I’ll see if I can put together a predictive post.

In the meantime, I’m determined to learn from SM how to A/B test in real time while also producing quality product that people enjoy. The sheer volume of content that they produce is staggering, and I don’t doubt that it has a direct correlation with why they are so successful.

My favorite song of 2017

Nosedive is possibly my favorite song of 2017.

I’ve fallen asleep listening to it more times than I can remember since it was released last January. It’s soothing, but dynamically interesting, and refreshing.

I love a good over-the-top k-pop music video as much as the next person (probably more than the next person, judging from my college-dude coffee shop neighbor right now), but the simplicity of this video makes it a drink for the soul, not just an entertaining spectacle.

And in this case, knowing the lyrics doesn’t cheapen the experience. This song is like a deep breath at the end of a long, difficult day.

For a long time, I wanna be with those
Who don’t give me a score
Among all the countless ratings
So I can go through the door of a lonely day
So I can live completely as myself

I think we can all identify with that experience, and I would bet that after you watch this video, you’ll want to identify with this old man.

I’m quite gratified that Dynamic Duo x Chen won the MAMA award for best collaboration this year. It gives this song more recognition and I hope that it can help seed a trend for more introspective k-pop.

(Certainly there’s introspective Korean music, but I have not yet started exploring it.)

The performance arrangement is interesting. The beginning of the coda has been changed to an intro, which builds anticipation from those of us who are familiar with the song–when will Chen’s falsetto come in?

The answer is: never.

I’m not sure if this is a brilliant workaround for a note that is probably only achievable in the studio, or if I feel cheated.

Regardless, I’m so happy this was performed live.

Coming soon

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