Today I realized that I was being unreasonable.
No matter what I may think, I can’t change the way that other people behave. Nor can I change their work output. I’m not the boss.
So instead of wailing and gnashing my teeth over the Absurdity Bubble that I’ve found myself in, I need to get real and deal with it head on.
No more headdesking over things that I think should be more rational.
No more internal crying over incoherent design that I think should be clearer.
That’s getting caught in the SHOULD, which is the absolute worst place to get caught.
SHOULD is automatically a losing proposition.
I need to stop thinking about myself, and my standards, and my own ego.
I need to instead start thinking about the people who actually have to use the product.
They are the ones at the mercy of the absurdity bubble.
I’m just a messenger. A facilitator. A translator.
It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that I won’t be able to impact the content of what I’m working on, but maybe I can tweak the design enough to help it become an actionable, useable thing.
My job is to make the unreasonable, reasonable. Or at least palatable.
A spoonful of sugar and all that.
So what did Mary Poppins do that was so effective?
- Never explained herself.
- Always had a few tricks up her sleeve.
- Constantly amazed everyone around her.
- Self-confident to the point of irrationality.
- Occasional disappearances.
- Bent reality to her will.
- Always had fun.
- Found friends in strange places.
Clearly, there are few greater role models than Mary Poppins. Disney aside, this is a lady I want to emulate.
Someday I’ll find a real role model. In the meantime, there’s fictional characters.
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