Hey! I like sharing fun stuff, and my browser’s getting too full to function. Here are some of the interesting things that I’ve considered this week.


The Curse of Work (and the double curse of working for the university)

Starbuck’s “Third Place” policy (I’m thinking about what a medical third place might look like)

Myth of the Week: White People Have No Culture

Ben Shapiro’s Pedo Pal Problem

Crohn’s disease successfully treated with the paleolithic ketogenic diet (this is one of the articles that convinced me to try life as a Carnivore)

Did a Russian Tsar fake his own death and become a monk? I loves me a good conspiracy theory.

Nikola Tesla’s connection to Donald Trump

A copywritten letter on how to learn copywriting

A K-pop stylist explains her thought process (More of this, please.)


Things other than Reading

Book of Hours digital collections (surprise~~)

Pewdiepie has merch out and I’m considering this white long-sleeve tee

How to fight desertification and reverse climate change (hint: it’s not what you think)

GaryVee’s Clouds and Dirt sneakers (probably sold out by now) (yup)

Architecture MMXII

What? Another side project?

