“Do not strain for perfection. It will be made plain if you are ready earlier.”
-Abbot Radulfus, Cadfael


» Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Celgene have merged. I don’t know exactly what that means, but I doubt it’s good people when it comes to healthcare.

» An interesting take on the US-Mexico border problem.

» Sarah Wilson has been writing about living with autoimmune disease for years, and her experience was one of the touchstones in my pursuit of health.

I’ve arrived at a point where I know with all my heart I got AI because I needed to. Yes!  I was burn out and over myself. But I couldn’t stop (drinking coffee, knocking back half a bottle of wine each night, working 15-hour days, enduring the nastiest breakup in Christendom, not sleeping, striving and climbing higher because I didn’t think I was enough on my own…). It was a habit I was scared to break. I really wanted to live a different way. But I was worried that if I slowed down, everything would unravel.

So I was forced to.

My body ground to a halt so I couldn’t go any further until I’d woken up. It collapsed in a heap, effectively saying to me, “Well, if you won’t stop, I will. And I’ll collapse right here, in the middle of everything and prevent you from going any further down this path until you get a grip of yourself”.

The lifestyle changes I’ve had to make have changed my life. I’m happy these days. And clear. And for this I’m glad.

» Conservatives need to start taking art seriously

» The battle isn’t right vs left, it’s statism vs individualism

» Google gets scarier by the day

» Julian Assange as sacrificial lamb