
Style reveals substance

Tag: Trump (page 3 of 3)

Covfefe will bring us together

It’s been interesting to watch Trump-isms trickle into the general lexicon, especially of people who hate him. Twice in the past two days I’ve come across the infamous “covfefe” as slang for coffee. Both times, from people who are not fans of Trump.

One was in person, with some coworkers at breakfast. We had gone a little too long without the waitress’s attention, and one needed her covfefe fix.

The other was on Instagram, just two gals posting a selfie while they got some covfefe.

I’m used to Trump-isms being thrown around by pro-Trump people. What I’m not used to is anti-Trump people both using a Trump-ism non-ironically AND not also going off into a tailspin about how much they hate him.

Unlike, say, if an anti-Trump references making something great again.

One side likes him for using sometimes-inexplicable words; the other side hates him, especially when he uses inexplicable words. Perhaps the way to bridge that gap is by introducing an inexplicable word that has no meaning.

Except we’ve all filled in a meaning for it, and that meaning is COFFEE.

It’s slipped into people’s heads without triggering the normal anti-Trump defenses, and has stuck there. It’s been 3 months since the original tweet.

I’m curious to see if Trump can do that same thing with a policy, or an action, something more than just a word on Twitter. Some inexplicable, yet easily defined through strength of association, that both fulfills what each side sees in him yet allows all of us, collectively, to “decide” the definition.

If people can accept covfefe, maybe they really can accept Trump as their president.

The reassurance I needed

I must confess that I was predisposed to like this press conference because I listened to commentary before I listened to it. Thank God SOMEONE in this country has a measured reaction.

Forcing the Fake Media to cover infrastructure before he’ll engage about the issue that they want to talk about, lambasting them while he does so…this is the Trump that we all voted for.

God bless this man.

When memes attack

The whole “paste someone famous’s face into a well-known scenario” meme has been around since…probably the dawn of photoshop.

It’s funny.

I have a feeling that the Trump era will be measured by his Twitter timeline, and the major milestones are when he tweets memes. This reminds me of the time he tweeted Presidential Pepe during the primaries–although there’s a bit of a difference. Back then, the media was covering him, but not in full-blown Victorian fainting couch vapors over him.

The people that saw and understood the Presidential Pepe tweet back in the day were energized because they knew (I personally wasn’t a Trump at that point) at that point that he was paying attention, that he knew how to nod-and-wink TO THE INTERNET. There was no media pushback.

Now, though, the media is a band of screeching harpies who don’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that memes are funny. Memes express concepts in a visual form, which often loses some nuance in the process. Now, we get extra energy from our God Emperor with the added bonus of Fake News freaking out in return.

The energy levels are like shooting a laser into a hall of mirrors.


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