Spotted: memes bleeding into real life, somewhere in Seattle.
Deus Vult. God wills it. One of the battle cries of the alt-west faction of the alt-right. Nearly inevitable, considering the amount of Islamic terrorism that takes place on Western soil. The jokes will surely happen; jury’s still out on an actual crusade.
What’s heartening to me about this photo is that 1. the graffiti doesn’t suck too badly, and that 2. its very existence means that there are people who are young and dumb enough to go out tagging (albeit in a designated tagging zone) but who are familiar with and like the concept enough to put it on a wall.
Leftists get so comfortable in their claimed territory–the cities–that they assume that none of their fellow city dwellers think out of lock-step with them. The alt-right is still fairly obscure, and Deus Vult even more so, but I hope that a few leftists walk by and get the shudders seeing a reminder that not everyone thinks like them. (And some of those people might be their neighbors–gasp!)
The Chalkening was a lot of fun, but Deus Vult gets a lot closer to the heart of the matter. Trump can’t, and won’t, fix our fallen world.
I also love how there is “pork” all over this wall. Reminds me of that joke–eating 2 strips of bacon every morning reduces your possibility of becoming a terrorist by 100%.
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