It’s Walk to Work week! Is that official, you ask? Nope, I just arbitrarily made it up.

One of the main roads leading to my work is under construction starting today, and since I live a mere mile from my office I figure I’ll stop 1st-worlding it for a week and see what happens.

Mostly, I’ve avoided the walk because it involves a very, very steep hill. If I didn’t mind arriving at work drenched with sweat and feeling like I was going to die, it would be very good for hill sprints. Sprint up a block, rest while you walk across the cross street, sprint up another block. I used to do that 3 living situations ago and it was pretty great.

For now, I’m trying out Ted Naiman’s fitness routine which is super-intense but very short. Because let’s be real, as much as I appreciate how good it feels to work out, I don’t love spending hours doing it. Unless I’m dancing, of course.

I’m attempting to cut some fat, which has led to cutting pork out of my diet (:’-() and adding more activity into my days.

Hence, Walk to Work week. By sandwiching my day in walks outside, I can cut out my lunchtime walk and use that time to work on writing projects.

It’s good that I did that, since I am legitimately tired right now. This rarely happens, and it feels good. Clearly I need to keep up a level of activity in my life.

And the beta endorphins. Never forget the beta endorphins.

This happens every single time I start exercising again. You just wait.