This seems like such an elementary thing.

When I say, “Someday I’d like to work for myself,” it’s with an abstract view of work. Somewhere in my mind has been a vision of all the work that I do for myself being fun, and something that I naturally want to do, and everything being easy and motivated and inspired.

However, for some reason today of all days I think about how hard it will be to shift from a “paycheck receiver” to a “money generator.” That’s a big shift.

I think about all the things I hate doing at work, but that I continue to do because they make me an effective employee. Those are the things that I have to continue doing if I want to build up a side business–I have to bring the work attitude home and just do it.

Only it’s just me this time. Nobody’s going to scare me into doing the work, because I set my own deadlines.

That’s incredibly empowering, yet incredibly terrifying.

Basically I just realized that working for myself is not necessarily going to be “fun” and the chafing that I feel like my time is obligated is not going to go away. Time is still going to be my frenemy. It takes time to get things done. A business creates obligations on one’s time.

It’s not going to be a fun escape for a while. It’s going to be work on top of work, and work where I have to be the boss as well as the employee.

At this point, I need to stop thinking about it and start doing it.