Republican politicians have been cucking, selling out, and otherwise compromising for a long time now.

That’s how we got President Trump.

Even with the absolute struggle that we went through to get him elected, many of the old guard Boomer Republicans never quite got it: that it does not make you a better person to be civil with an opponent that has no intention of being civil back. It makes you stupid.

With the Kavanaugh debacle, some of them have finally woken up to what’s really going on.

How do we know this?

From Chad Pergram:

After Kavanaugh vote, Pence walked from the chamber with his detail to the exit which would open the doors up to the Senate steps. They swing the doors open…and all you can see is a throng of protesters across the plaza…and hear are protesters shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

As Pence stands in doorway of Capitol at top of Senate steps, protesters across the plaza spot him and start shouting louder. His motorcade waits at the bottom of the Capitol steps.

Pence stands for a moment in Senate doorway, indecisive, w/protesters hollering. Pence then reverses course to exit Capitol another way. Pence walks a few steps. Pivots & says “let’s do it.” Pence then defiantly walks down the Capitol steps and waves to Kavanaugh protesters

Pence—Mike Pence—the mildest mannered complete opposite of Trump’s brash manner, has embraced the villain role that he has been given by the leftist mob.

This is significant.

(Some of) the people who used to want to play nice now understand that it’s not possible. They didn’t capitulate to the mob, didn’t back down on the vote. Kavanaugh himself personified this by not withdrawing or buckling under the pressure.

Despite the absolute batshit insanity shown by the protesters on the left, the Republicans held firm. They didn’t go through quite the gauntlet that Trump or Kavanaugh ran, but they withstood the heat and they stood firm.

It seems like after years of never-Trump whining and ~bipartisan cooperation~ which leads to horrific things like Obamacare, the Repubs finally decided that they were not going to take it anymore.

This makes me feel marginally better about the future.



See also Lindsay Graham. I’m going to start paying attention to him.