It’s everywhere this week. You can’t escape it. Even my own dad brought it up offline.

The NPC meme.

I was going to write about it a few weeks ago, but never did because…there is a lot. What it means to be sentient, the side-effects of corporatization, IQ and personality type, the mask that we actively present to the world. You get it.

[Jordan Peterson voice] It’s a complex issue. [/Jordan Peterson voice]

Which is why I feel compelled to post Jordan NPCterson.

Not only is this the most beautiful meme I’ve ever seen, it allows me to talk about my changing attitudes toward JBP.

First off, the aesthetic. Great typography choices—the font is just hard enough to read that you have to take a moment to decipher “NPCterson.” (Which is a great pun in its own right.) I love how this one mimics co-opts the popular Millennial aesthetic of sticking something over a pastel background.

Now for the man himself. I read his book, but never got around to posting a review because I couldn’t really figure out what to review—most of what he gets at is already available in his YouTube archive. I would have written about the last chapter—the light pen, which I liked when I read it—but the longer I thought about it the more I kinda got mad at him for stealing his friend’s rad light pen, using it to write 10 sentences, and then never using it again.

I’ve been souring on him as a thinker gradually over the last couple months, but what really got to me was his reaction on the Kavanaugh confirmation. He stated on twitter that Kavanaugh should step down, thereby completely nullifying all the work that the Right had done to get him in there, and validating every underhanded tactic the Left used to try to keep him out.

And then he tried to walk it back as a “thought experiment.” That astounds me, honestly, to be in his position in this political and media environment and to say something like that and expect it to fly. Especially since we all know full well that it could happen to him at any moment.

My other favorite is a line from the Hoaxed trailer: “Falsehoods have consequences. That’s what makes them false.”

Uh, no. EVERYTHING has consequences. That line doesn’t even make sense.

I’m glad carnivory is working out for him, but I’m done paying attention to him and the rest of the “intellectual dark web.”