I have no idea who took this photo but it’s already a “classic”



» Do not waste one more second:

One way or another, the end is coming. But if you truly, deeply engage here, you can live more life in a week than most people live in an entire lifetime. By that I do not mean that you can have more experiences, I just mean that you can experience far more moments with far more depth and clarity than someone who’s just drifting through life on autopilot. One week fully and consciously appreciated contains more lived life than an entire stay in this world from cradle to grave when it is taken for granted.


» How to level up in the culture war

» The world’s most depressing overview of Ulcerative Colitis

» Luxury fashion brands don’t control their own conversation anymore

According to Tribe Dynamics, the top influencer driving the conversation on luxury products is the popular — and controversial — singer-songwriter, model and make-up artist Jeffree Star, who has over 500 million views on YouTube and almost five million followers on Instagram. “[Star] is talking not just about the beauty brands, but also the fashion apparel and accessories products,” says Begley, recalling a meeting in which representatives from one luxury house told him they didn’t want to be associated with Star, although he was already driving more conversation about the brand than anyone else.

“[Star] is shaping the perceived messaging. [Luxury houses] don’t have to make him the face of their brand, but this is a new wave of publishers that you have to manage and work with….Think about this as PR,” he continues. “How have you treated editors in the past? You got product into their hands pre-release. You built relationships with these people and created experiences that shaped their view of the brand.”

» On that note, Why nobody sympathizes with the media

» The Jake Paul story never ends. Good at sales, or just manipulative? Knowing that Gary Vaynerchuk is an investor in the Jake Paul brand changes the story quite a bit, for me at least. Listening to Shane Dawson talking to him about “how he doesn’t know what he’s doing is wrong” is like watching a rabbit explain to a shark how eating grass is better than snacking on surfers.

Not saying that Jake Paul is right, necessarily, but the discrepancy in worldview is large. Shane “I FINALLY HAVE MERCH!” Dawson comes from an entirely different place from Jake “yo” Paul.