Some days are below average. Maybe you have a caffeine headache. Maybe you just got started on antibiotics. Maybe there’s an extra-pushy guy trying to convince you that you should go on another date after you said you weren’t interested.

For those days, there are dog videos on YouTube.

There is something about these, where they take a rescue dog who’s in bad shape and love them and heal them, that just speaks to my suburban-raised, earnest little heart.

Really tho, I appreciate the time and effort that it takes to rehab these dogs—mostly because it’s something that I’m not suited for. The first and last time I volunteered at an animal shelter….well, let’s just say that I’m not good with dogs who aren’t friends.

Even though they’re dogs, seeing stories like these illustrates how important your health is, and how long the healing process can take. Dogs that look older than their chronological years—dogs with no energy—dogs who are sad—they all have a chance to feel better, to run and play and be happy.

It just takes time, and healing. In healing there is hope.