This is a pep talk for myself, but you’re welcome to listen in.


I know you play the “I’m still trying to decide” game when you talk to other people. Like somehow it’s more socially acceptable to be undecided. Maybe you think it’s a conversation starter. People can help you think through options. Whatever.


You know what you want.

You made some of these decisions years ago, but your life hasn’t caught up to them yet. You haven’t put in the work. You’re still adding 2 and 2, hoping that somehow this time they’ll equal 5.

That’s not how this works.

Maybe it’s not ~God’s perfect timing~ either, but there’s not a dang thing you can do about that.

If the key to having clear eyes and a strong backbone is the truth, you have to stop lying to yourself.

Even if you haven’t 100% committed,

Even if there are other options out there,

You know what you want.



And the longer you lie to yourself about it, the less time you have.