
Style reveals substance

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The Cycle

Zerohedge posted this for an entirely different reason, but I like this:

But, as we will see: platforms evolve from an iterative cycle of apps=>infrastructure=>apps=>infrastructure and are rarely built in an outside vacuum.

First, apps inspire infrastructure. Then that infrastructure enables new apps.

What we see in the sequence of events of major platform shifts is that first there is a breakout app, and then that breakout app inspires a phase where we build infrastructure that makes it easier to build similar apps, and infrastructure that allows the broad consumer adoption of those apps. […]

For example, light bulbs (the app) were invented before there was an electric grid (the infrastructure). You don’t need the electric grid to have light bulbs. But to have the broad consumer adoption of light bulbs, you do need the electric grid, so the breakout app that is the light bulb came first in 1879, and then was followed by the electric grid starting 1882. (The USV team book club is now reading The Last Days Of Night about the invention of the light bulb).

Another example: Planes (the app) were invented before there were airports (the infrastructure). You don’t need airports to have planes. But to have the broad consumer adoption of planes, you do need airports, so the breakout app that is an airplane came first in 1903, and inspired a phase where people built airlines in 1919, airports in 1928 and air traffic control in 1930 only after there were planes.

It doesn’t just apply to apps or inventions. This is how change itself occurs, especially change that we initiate from inside of ourselves rather than the types of change that are imposed on us from the outside.

For example, when I was in middle school, I had bad acne. To alleviate it, my mother tried to get me to wash my face every night. I wasn’t interested (no need for infrastructure, in my mind) even when she offered me a “reward” of getting to wear mascara if I washed my face every night.

When I got older, I followed a different track. It makes sense to me that if you wear makeup, you must remove it at the end of the day. On days that I wore mascara or other makeup, I would be forced, in a sense, to wash my face. That led to better skin, which helped the makeup look better, and thus a somewhat virtuous cycle was born.

The nature of this cycle is what makes it so difficult to get started for those of us who like to plan things out, and to see systems.

We want to be able to see the infrastructure before we start, to plan out how the systems will work and estimate the time it will take out of our lives to run.

But that’s not how it actually works. First, you have to DO something—build the app or wear the mascara—before you can even hope to build an infrastructure to support it. This is a weird catch-22 situation, but there’s really no way around it.

You could try catapulting directly into the infrastructure phase without actually developing an apps, but much like trying to write about data that you haven’t analyzed yourself, you’re not going to squeeze a nuance analysis out of it, or create a robust and complex-yet-simple (antifragile?) infrastructure around any problem.

Come to think of it, the lack of “app” or proof-of-concept is why the armchair pundits of the world cause so much more harm than good. They want to skip directly to the infrastructure part without doing any of the work to create something in the first place.

I like systems. They’re fun to analyze (in theory) and refine (in practice). It’s easy to get caught up in the hypotheticals and the undergirding by which things work.

Sometimes I forget that you actually have to DO something to get things started.

First mascara, then skincare, then the glam transformation.

Republicans found their spines

Republican politicians have been cucking, selling out, and otherwise compromising for a long time now.

That’s how we got President Trump.

Even with the absolute struggle that we went through to get him elected, many of the old guard Boomer Republicans never quite got it: that it does not make you a better person to be civil with an opponent that has no intention of being civil back. It makes you stupid.

With the Kavanaugh debacle, some of them have finally woken up to what’s really going on.

How do we know this?

From Chad Pergram:

After Kavanaugh vote, Pence walked from the chamber with his detail to the exit which would open the doors up to the Senate steps. They swing the doors open…and all you can see is a throng of protesters across the plaza…and hear are protesters shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

As Pence stands in doorway of Capitol at top of Senate steps, protesters across the plaza spot him and start shouting louder. His motorcade waits at the bottom of the Capitol steps.

Pence stands for a moment in Senate doorway, indecisive, w/protesters hollering. Pence then reverses course to exit Capitol another way. Pence walks a few steps. Pivots & says “let’s do it.” Pence then defiantly walks down the Capitol steps and waves to Kavanaugh protesters

Pence—Mike Pence—the mildest mannered complete opposite of Trump’s brash manner, has embraced the villain role that he has been given by the leftist mob.

This is significant.

(Some of) the people who used to want to play nice now understand that it’s not possible. They didn’t capitulate to the mob, didn’t back down on the vote. Kavanaugh himself personified this by not withdrawing or buckling under the pressure.

Despite the absolute batshit insanity shown by the protesters on the left, the Republicans held firm. They didn’t go through quite the gauntlet that Trump or Kavanaugh ran, but they withstood the heat and they stood firm.

It seems like after years of never-Trump whining and ~bipartisan cooperation~ which leads to horrific things like Obamacare, the Repubs finally decided that they were not going to take it anymore.

This makes me feel marginally better about the future.



See also Lindsay Graham. I’m going to start paying attention to him.

Jaehyun is the face of NCT 127 in America

I regret now that I didn’t post this online somewhere.

Long ago, when I was first getting into NCT (My First and Last/Limitless era), I thought to myself, “Self, if NCT ever gets big in America, Jaehyun will be really popular because he looks like an all-American Korean.”

Don’t ask me to break down what that means exactly, but to my eyes, Jaehyun resembles a typical all-American type of guy. Some of it’s his body structure and how he carries himself, but it’s also in the balance of his facial features and how his hair is styled. Like if he weren’t from Korea he would be from Nebraska, and on the Olympic gymnastics team.

Speaking English certainly helps.


Cut to NCT’s debut in America, and what do you know, Jaehyun is the first member you see in each of the video teasers.

Not Taeyong—he’s for Korea.

Not Yuta—he’s for Japan.


In terms of the concept and music, I’m not really sure what to make of this. Office culture isn’t as much a part of the culture as it seems to be in Korea. Although, the cubicle is the easiest thing to message conformity—which was necessary to contrast with the Irregular teaser.

I’m also not entirely convinced that the music goes with the tone of the visuals. SM has been going for a “dreamlike” concept as of late, especially with NCT, so I’ll trust for now. After “Touch,” though, I’m a little…touchy.

Thinking twice, perhaps I’m not as enthusiastic about this teaser because I’m hoping for more 80s romantic goth vampire wannabe vibes. Fingers crossed.

Chicken Soup

Some people love chicken soup.

I am not one of those people.

And yet, when my gut is acting up one of my first instincts is to make it. The InstantPot makes it much less of a chore—no more waiting around for hours while it simmers. (Although that can be nice, too.)

The problem is, once I’ve made a big pot of chicken soup, I don’t want to eat it.

I put it off, like one of those chores that you build up in your mind until it becomes a huge unsurpassable mountain of dirty laundry, or an unending chasm of dirty dishes. And endless loop of chicken soup.

I always have to force myself to eat it.

When I do, it’s never as bad as I imagine.

Eat your chicken soup, people.

Alternate Universe Me

Somewhere among the multiverse, there’s a timeline where I actually am what everyone assumes me to be.

You see, I’m the type of girl who looks like a typical liberal do-gooder. I have a face that people see and assume that they know what my political predilections are. (Or maybe they’re just projecting.)

When I reveal my Trump status, people are often surprised. Shocked. Whatever. They don’t expect me to be a supporter, much less an enthusiastic one.

Granted, these people usually don’t know that I’ve eaten no fruits or vegetables for over a year, or that I’m a Christian, or that I secretly want to be Galadriel when I grow up. People also tend to assume that I’m a very fastidious housekeeper and am I very much NOT.

There’s a lot you can’t know about a person by looking at them.

And that’s why I wonder if somewhere, somehow, there’s a version of me that accepted the wrong premises as truth.

That girl is bought in to the narrative, freaked out that the Big Orange Meanie is president, and always believes women. She loves that the Punch Brothers’ new album is full of references to DJT because it makes her feel better, too.

She probably has cats and cleans her house top to bottom everyday.

That girl is not me.

I do find it interesting how a musical artist that I resonated with as a teenager has gone on such a divergent path—to the point where it’s sometimes difficult to identify with his music anymore. The chords are there, the music, but something in the spirit is gone.

Is it me?

Or is AU Me off somewhere happily listening?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I took this path. I’m much happier being out of step with everyone around me than I ever would being a happy, dumb group member.

But sometimes I wonder.

Dark 80s (in which I discover Taemin’s MOVE)

Drift happens. As a project matures, it tends to gather momentum and move in its own direction. Most of the time this is a good thing, as it’s difficult to visualize the fullest extent of a project before it’s underway.

Batfort has experienced drift. Mostly this is a good thing—there’s now less of me talking about politics, which I have no business talking about. But one of the things that has lagged over the past year is the focus on aesthetics.

I had originally envisioned Batfort with a “dark 80s” theme, kind of a neo-noir-Victorian aesthetic heavily influenced by Blade Runner and Awake in the Night Land. Something that would stand in heavy contrast to the bright color blocking and pastels that dominate the aesthetic scene right now.

As I got caught up in the day-to-day of blog posts and the excitement of analytics, I forgot about the aesthetic experience.

Until now.

For whatever reason I decided it was time to check out “Move” by Taemin.

Boy was that a mistake.

I slept on this release last year. For all I admire SM Entertainment, I haven’t checked out every single one of their groups. First on the list is SHINee—except I couldn’t bear to after Jonghyun killed himself last year.

But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about “Move.”

  1. This is the first k-pop song I’ve heard that’s actually sexy. The bassline is addictive. The distortion of the synths is the kind that makes me want to weave the sound into a magic carpet and float off into the night. Taemin’ voice is silky smooth. Of course, it could be…
  2. The choreography. It’s perfect—for Taemin, for the song. Subtle and sensual. Normally the unfinished-ness and lack of energy through his arms of would bother me, but it’s such a part of Taemin’s style and it suits the song so well that I can deal with it.
  3. The aesthetic of the music video is like…dystopian 80s-inflected perfection.
  4. There are some k-pop singles that are so good that I wish an album had been written around them. “Move” is one of those. K-pop albums are mostly random grab bags with no cohesion. I feel like making this a single and not one in a series of related songs missed a chance to explore this musical idea and feeling to its fullest.

If Taemin and his A&R reps at SM Entertainment didn’t fully explore this idea, perhaps it’s up to me. Not that I’ll be making music videos anytime soon.

But I do want to be more deliberate about what I focus on in this blog, and Taemin has reminded me of the original intent. Well, and the pitchfork mob that is currently chasing after Brett Kavanaugh.

The future is coming, and it’s going to be dark.

My energy levels as a carnivore

The lowest energy I’ve ever been was the it took me an hour to put on a sock. I had showered and managed to get dressed like a normal person, but sock #2 was too much. (I had pneumonia.)

Even without pneumonia, my energy levels have never been great. Between a tendency to stay up late and an autoimmune disease, I was always running on empty.

I have a whole script set up to talk myself through really hard days, when I have to verbally encourage myself to do things like walk and stand up from a chair.

Last year, I started my one-year Batfort challenge about two weeks after going carnivore. This is not a coincidence. Even way back before any of the real healing started, I could feel it in my bones that I had the energy to start and sustain a long project like this.

Lately, what with moving and getting settled in a new place, I’ve been exhausted. Yet in my exhaustion I can do more than I used to be able to do on a good day.

This year I’ve gone on three significant trips, plus a couple spontaneous one-day road trips. I’ve written a novella. I’ve posted on this blog every day without fail. I’ve moved house. I’ve had a minor medical procedure done. And I’ve been on more dates than ever in my life.

I’ve never had more energy, and it just feels normal. I don’t feel any more special or energized, but I can do more with the time that I have.

None of this would have happened if I hadn’t taken a chance on the carnivore diet. All the traces of plant foods I eat now are just another reminder that I shouldn’t be eating any plant foods at all.

I think one of the other reasons I’ve been exhausted this week is that I’ve been eating really badly—things like coffee and cheese snax and spices (especially paprika and black pepper) that don’t play well with my insides. And yet, 32-year-old me could still outpace 16-year-old-me. No contest.

It’s inspiration to get back on track.

Let the healing continue!


Dearest readers, this month we have reached 500.

  • 500 monthly views (that’s you)
  • 500 posts (this is it)

In my own personal version of numerology (I know nothing of ~real~ numerology), “rhyming” numbers are a good thing. This is something like a total of $36.36.

500/500 fits, too.

The growth on this blog continues to astonish me. Frankly, it’s inspired me to put aside an entirely different online business idea to build out Batfort to what I’d like it to become.

If you’re reading this, thank you.

Selling is hard

I held a garage sale today.

It’s a natural fit—I just moved and had some stuff I didn’t want to move. My neighbor had been doing some cleaning, and she had stuff to sell as well.

We did not make a lot of money.

Here’s what I learned:

  • Advertise early, advertise often. And advertise in places that the people who would like your stuff will be.
  • Make it super easy for people to find you.
  • Lots of people just want to look.
  • Everybody wants the big fish—the bonus money in the purse, or the super-valuable furniture that can be resold for 1000% markup
  • If you actually want to make money, you need to sell things that people want

I didn’t plan it this way, but selling IRL was a good dry run before selling online. There’s something helpful about the immediate feedback and the feel of counting cash in a cashbox that helps solidify these lessons.

Anyway, make it easy for people to buy. Otherwise, they won’t.

Not rocket science but it’s something that I’m liable to forget in the quest for really good copy or optimized demographic segmentation. (Or whatever.)

Waiting for the EXO comeback like

Recently W Korea released a photo spread featuring members of EXO, and it’s basically a visual representation of EXO-L waiting for the next album.

I feel you, Chanyeol.

Exo has released a full-length album, a repackaged album, and a winter mini-album each year since debut.

Last year’s album, The War was released in August 2017.

It’s now nearly October 2018.

No new music.

Over the years, the members have been getting busier with external activities. Kai, Sehun, and Chanyeol go to fashion events. Suho is starring in a musical. DO is starting a serious acting career, and is currently the male lead in a drama. CBX exists. There are variety shows. Collaborations happen.

Still, no new music.

Members are starting to stare down Korea’s mandatory military enlistment.

(I believe Xiumin is required to enlist this year.)

Military service time is 18 months.

There is a deadline.

Here’s what I think is going down:

SM is “testing” the fans, to see if they’ll wait patiently for more than a year between albums. (It’s been 14 months and so far nobody has gone crazy yet.)

Sometime this fall, maybe in November at this point (after NCT 127 and Lay), EXO will finally release new music.

The repackaged album will take the place of the winter album, to be released in December.

After that, all the members will enlist at the same time. During that time, SM slow-drips content. They are getting the hang of YouTube, and fans would 100% love another dedicated EXO variety show, especially when the members are in the military.

Or perhaps they stagger into 2 groups separated by 6-8 months, and we are treated to a new subunit or two.

When they are discharged and back together full strength, EXO head directly into the recording studio an through the magic of the SM production machine, have new music ready to release in a ridiculously short amount of time.

One of the many things that SM Entertainment does well is learn from its mistakes. Super Junior has been taking a long time to get back on its feet now that its members are trickling out of the military. I doubt that SM wants to inflict that on EXO.

Anyway, I really hope we get new EXO music soon. The end.

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