That sounds like a new goal? Eh?

I, like many people, had this vision of people in Japan (and Korea and wherever) eating a TON of rice and vegetables and very little meat and fat. Something like the complete opposite of how I eat: high carb, low fat.

I thought that it would be difficult to travel in Japan because of the prevalence of rice and soy in the food culture.

When I saw Koreans or Japanese on YouTube talking about how much they loved beef, I figured it was because they didn’t eat that much of it unless they were out at a restaurant.

Apparently that is dead wrong. We have been fed food lies once again.

Not only do Japanese people love to eat meat, it is difficult to be a vegetarian or vegan while visiting Japan because so much of the traditional and modern foods contain meat or fish.

I’m really impressed with what I’ve seen so far from the Food Lies film. The video production is high quality. The filmmakers have answered questions I never even thought to ask. So even though I’ve read books and listened to podcasts with many of the speakers listed in the film, I’m pretty sure I’ll learn something new.

I’ll be backing Food Lies on IndieGoGo soon, as well, since they are doing the work that needs to be done in the world.


I was never really into travel much in the past (maybe because I had no energy) but now it’s becoming more and more appealing. Asia travels with Batfort in 2020: y/n?