Gordon Ramsay’s at it again. Not to imply that this is new, or that he ever stopped.

And no, he didn’t go full carnivore. (At least that I know of.)

What he did was make eggs benedict with crispy parma ham.

I myself would also like to make eggs benedict with crispy parma ham.

Or, since I don’t eat English muffins, drape the parma ham over the bottom of some muffin tins that I then stick in the oven to crisp up into little parma ham baskets. That way I can contain the goodness of hollandaise sauce and poached eggs inside the crispy parma ham.

Lemon juice is also off the table for me at the moment, so I’d probs just leave it out of the recipe and deal with a hella rich hollandaise sauce. *shrug* There are worse things.

(Super-citrusy hollandaise sauce is rly delicious, to be fair. Lemon juice positively sparkles up against high-quality butter.)

The fat content in this thing will be off the chain, but who doesn’t need a little fat in their life every now and again? Gotta have something in your back pocket for feast days.

Realistically speaking, all of this will be balanced over a ribeye.

Because it isn’t a carnivore recipe without some steak. 😉