Maybe I didn’t get to see the eclipse, but this photo is absolutely beautiful.

It’s not yet dark in my neck of the woods, and I don’t know if I’ll stay awake until full dark to see if the moon is bloody here.

I started taking shots of fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids this week. My body clearly craves it. Nothing I’ve ever eaten has helped my eczema, only hurt it, made it grow or itch. This week, my eczema has gotten better.

My body is bone tired. So tired that if I’m not careful, I will fall asleep writing this post. I’ve already slid down in my chair to rest my head on its back. I recognize this tired. It means that I’m healing, and not getting enough sleep.

That’s why I doubt I’ll be awake at full dark. It’s hot–almost too hot to sleep–but I need sleep more than anything.

I feel like this should be significant, that I’m healing-tired on the day of an eclipse, of a full moon, of a back-to-back double eclipse which I harnessed and turned into the completion of a proof-of-concept project. On a lark, I answered a request for a writer and will likely have a freelance gig starting next week.

All progress toward my goals.

Is it coincidence? No. I don’t believe in coincidence. Is it significant? I won’t know until the fulness of time unfurls itself. But that doesn’t mean the eclipses caused anything. I promised myself I would finish this project by July all the way back in January, when I actively distrusted astrology and believed in linear causality.

I have some good momentum now. Volunteering, side gigs (for money and with the hopes of money), a date that actually sounds promising, creative things happening. Even my workouts have become a habitual practice.

I am ready. But to be ready I must sleep.

I’ll leave you with a little tidbit:

If you want to be a #writer,

You must know this:


Drink it!
Fuck it!
Spread it!
Breathe it!
Gorge on it!

Even sorrow is beautiful!

And all the great writer were Drunks.