Wasn’t The Reader the title of some clickbait romance movie a while back? Starring Kate Winslet? (It was.) Alas, Kate Winslet will not read you this list of articles that are open in all the tabs of my browser. You have to do that for yourself.

Without further ado

Not Reading Material

  • I like these shoes, but I try not to buy fake leather. I’ll probably waffle over it until they sell out in my size.
  • Made you look.
  • I’m toying with learning architectural drawing because it would be immensely satisfying.

Things I Love

8-oz cans of Perrier ♕ That delicious feeling of anticipation before a big change ♕ Queen Helene’s Mint Julep masque ♕ Stretching luxuriously in between freshly-washed sheets ♕ K-pop fanvids ♕ The ability to think, hope, and pray ♕