I say that I’m good at starting a new endeavor, but am I really?

Ideas—yes, please.

Research—you got it (at least until I get bored).

Look and feel development—got you covered, baby.




Getting a project together is one thing. Getting a project out the door is something else entirely.

During the first 6-9 months of posting on this blog regularly, I had to steel myself against my brain’s constant barrage of “THIS ISN’T PERFECT IT CAN’T GO IN PUBLIC WHERE OTHER PEOPLE CAN READ IT.”

I eventually got used to the fact that I’m putting my thoughts out there, and became more at peace with the situation. Truly, I thought that I was getting better at blasting my message out.

Turns out I was very, very wrong.

The minute I switch domains (literally) from Batfort.com to my other domain that I won’t even talk about here because I am that much of a ninny about it, the SECOND that I think about moving things forward over there—I’m paralyzed by fear.


Gotta push through it—again. Hopefully it’ll be easier this time.