Some people – usually people who don’t have experience with kids – think that it’s stupid to applaud a toddler for drinking out of a sippy cup. Big deal, they say, everybody knows how to drink out of a cup.

Sure, maybe we all know this as adults.

But for that baby, in his own timeline, that is the very first time he figured out how to be coordinated enough to drink out of a cup. Even though humanity as a whole has done it gorillions of times, it’s a first time accomplishment for that one specific human.

Absolutely worth celebrating.

Today Batfort hit 1,001 overall views.


Probably the sippy cup of blogging, but I’ll take it.

What’s interesting about those 1,001 views is that probably 20% of them were accrued in only maybe five days total. There were a few days where my traffic spiked massively. Of course, traffic did not sustain at that level, but each spike did establish a new normal – two average views per day to three, to seven.

When I was younger, these types of things would have discouraged me. A spike of traffic is such a dopamine hit, but then it goes away. Life returns to normal. Christmas doesn’t come every day.

Now, I find great comfort in seeing the great patterns of the universe (like the Pareto Principle) repeat themselves in my own little tiny corner of it. Tiny and insignificant as it is, I’m still a part of the fabric of existence. I’m part of something much bigger than me.

That’s pretty cool.

And worth celebrating.

So raise your sippy cup – Batfort continues!


PS. I’ll write about something other than recursive blog stuff soon, I promise. This whole “recovering from minor surgical trauma” thing took a lot more out of me than I expected.