source unknown

This is the story that you didn’t know you were waiting for: theĀ Batfort origin story.

My first job out of grad school was working in a fast-paced customer service environment. It was the kind of job that necessitated close relationships with coworkers, so we became a tight team—the kind of team that squabbled like family and had a million inside jokes.

One of those teammates and I became legitimate friends. We spent time trading memes off Imgur, many of which ended up pinned in our cubicles. (Or in my case, saved as desktop wallpaper.)

There was one meme in particular that my friend loved.

She was a dog person, the kind who would stop and pet every dog she met on the street. Obsessed, basically.

I’m not a huge dog person but I do have a fondness for bats. If you asked me about dogs, I would tell you that my dream was to get a black French Bulldog and dress it up like a bat.

So when she dug up the dogfort meme, it became an instant favorite. Her cubicle became Dog Fort.

My cubicle became Bat Fort.

I turned the image above into meme format, and hung it in my cubicle. I’ve taken it to every new job and it’s hanging in my current office as we speak.

A few years later, I was struck with the urge to buy the domain. Later still, I decided to start blogging daily.

Now we here!