Last year, I cultivated two habits that helped greatly with helping me “at home” in my own skin. These will not come as a shock to you.

  1. Physical activity
  2. Writing in a journal

These were a big part of my routine in the summer and early fall. Over the winter, though, I stopped being diligent about making time for these things in my routine.

I’d rather stay up late snuggled under a knit blanket on my couch, which means sleeping in later in the mornings. And with the late-season onset of winter in my region, I’ve been commuting with a friend—which means no gym time before work.

This has been a mistake.

Like many long-term health choices, the effects didn’t show up immediately. I coasted along for a while. But after a couple months, I started to feel their absence.

My moods are more unstable. I feel detached from myself. I’m not sure of what I think or how I feel. My goals, which were so clear, have started to blur and fade.

So it’s time to add these good habits back to my life.

I might journal at night, instead of in the morning, but that’s okay. The point is that I differentiate between everyone else’s thoughts and feelings, and mine.

I might have to start all over with my weightlifting program, but that’s okay. The point is that I focus on physical activity and put my body to the test.

Call it a post-New Year’s resolution. Whatever.

It’s never too late to start over.