
Style reveals substance

Tag: image of the week (page 3 of 7)

Waiting for the EXO comeback like

Recently W Korea released a photo spread featuring members of EXO, and it’s basically a visual representation of EXO-L waiting for the next album.

I feel you, Chanyeol.

Exo has released a full-length album, a repackaged album, and a winter mini-album each year since debut.

Last year’s album, The War was released in August 2017.

It’s now nearly October 2018.

No new music.

Over the years, the members have been getting busier with external activities. Kai, Sehun, and Chanyeol go to fashion events. Suho is starring in a musical. DO is starting a serious acting career, and is currently the male lead in a drama. CBX exists. There are variety shows. Collaborations happen.

Still, no new music.

Members are starting to stare down Korea’s mandatory military enlistment.

(I believe Xiumin is required to enlist this year.)

Military service time is 18 months.

There is a deadline.

Here’s what I think is going down:

SM is “testing” the fans, to see if they’ll wait patiently for more than a year between albums. (It’s been 14 months and so far nobody has gone crazy yet.)

Sometime this fall, maybe in November at this point (after NCT 127 and Lay), EXO will finally release new music.

The repackaged album will take the place of the winter album, to be released in December.

After that, all the members will enlist at the same time. During that time, SM slow-drips content. They are getting the hang of YouTube, and fans would 100% love another dedicated EXO variety show, especially when the members are in the military.

Or perhaps they stagger into 2 groups separated by 6-8 months, and we are treated to a new subunit or two.

When they are discharged and back together full strength, EXO head directly into the recording studio an through the magic of the SM production machine, have new music ready to release in a ridiculously short amount of time.

One of the many things that SM Entertainment does well is learn from its mistakes. Super Junior has been taking a long time to get back on its feet now that its members are trickling out of the military. I doubt that SM wants to inflict that on EXO.

Anyway, I really hope we get new EXO music soon. The end.

Images of the week: RIP Alex Jones

It’s another one of those instantly-iconic photos. So much to see, so much subtext, and yet the subtext is somewhat visible.

The photo that got AJ banned from Twitter.

I like

…how Kanye makes just as much of a splash IRL as he does on twitter. Man knows how to make an entrance.

Anyway, I don’t have any other new photos saved on my computer, so you’re getting this one this week. I think Kanye is up to the same things this week, only with bigger slides.

The styling on this is fascinating to me. My brain doesn’t want to consider them a matched set. Kim is bright and futuristic, while Kanye is dull and self-consciously minimalistic. Kim is the sexy sports car we know and love reconfigured for the future, while Kanye reminds us that he does all this despite or because of his bipolar disorder.

Both convey a sense of success and forward-thinking.

They don’t match, but they go.

Some weeks you can’t do anything right

Sometimes, you can do anything and it’s perfect.

Other times, you can’t do anything right. You’re tuned a few hertz too low and you’re a little bit off tempo. You don’t fit, you don’t think, and you don’t have a future.

And in those second times, though they happen to everybody, it can be really hard to forgive yourself.

You make a mistake. Mistakes happen. You fix them.

And then there are mistakes that reveal deep-seated personality flaws. Those are much more difficult to fix.

The Gucci trend needs to die already

When a phrase like “That’s so Gucci” enters the relative mainstream, you know the meme is close to death.

Super Junior D&E: A prince among men vs. the Gucci clown

Look, I don’t dislike Gucci.

Their ideas over the past few years have been interesting, especially when they started down the high/low kitsch path. Back when Jared Leto was the Gucci high-fashion drama king.

Now though, the whole Gucci aesthetic feels overplayed.

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m craving refinement and deliberateness (and let’s be real I’m more of a D&G girl anyway) but the gonzo-ness of this latest incarnation of Gucci has grown, IDK, stale.

Take, for example, the photo above. Donghae keeps it classic — “ringmaster” never goes out of style — and relatively toned-down despite a very flamboyant jacket. Eunhyuk, however, is stuck in tragic fashion victim mode — his clothes are more than he can handle. (And as a k-pop veteran, he can handle a lot of clothes.)

Let’s move on from “high fashion tacky grandma,” okay?

Social Media Giants

It was a big week for social media.

Everything I can think of to say sounds histrionic.

They banned Alex Jones.

This is a real fight, and yet “our side” just sits back and takes it – every single time.

How much longer can we go on like this?

I am fascinated by Books of Hours

There is something absolutely intriguing to me about Medieval Books of Hours.

They have their own aesthetic. It is clear that the craftsmen worked hard to create something beautiful, but it is not the same thing that we might consider beautiful in the modern era. It’s like a different visual language. There are a lot of quirks left behind by the makers–marginalia and funny little drawings. Things that would never make it past the “professionalism” filters of our modern marketplace.

Everything is a little bit ramshackle, but obviously made with care and with love.

I love how the text is secondary. This is a book that can be read whether or not you’re actually literate.

I feel like more than ever before, this dualistic text/images way of communicating is relevant, and I want to explore more behind why this type of book worked so well and what it all means. And possibly how to harness this power for the modern era.

When I realized that Orthodox icons are merely memes, my conception of their use changed. Memes have power, but the power is in the idea–not in any particular expression of the idea. Nobody who kisses an icon thinks that they’re literally kissing the person that’s depicted–it’s what that person stands for, what they did. Their meme.

Books of Hours aren’t icons, but they share a lot of commonalities in a visual language and symbolic representation.

Anyway, I don’t know a whole lot about Books of Hours yet. This post is me setting the intention of learning more, and sharing what I learn.

I want to explore Books of Hours in how they were used, and how the shape and reflect the corporate view of time. How they conveyed memetic concepts but maybe also facts. How we might use some of these ideas in the current year.

I don’t really know where this might go, and I like it that way.

There’s a vague idea of where I’d like to end up, but I see the beginnings of a trail in the underbrush.

Let’s go exploring.

Blood Moon

Maybe I didn’t get to see the eclipse, but this photo is absolutely beautiful.

It’s not yet dark in my neck of the woods, and I don’t know if I’ll stay awake until full dark to see if the moon is bloody here.

I started taking shots of fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids this week. My body clearly craves it. Nothing I’ve ever eaten has helped my eczema, only hurt it, made it grow or itch. This week, my eczema has gotten better.

My body is bone tired. So tired that if I’m not careful, I will fall asleep writing this post. I’ve already slid down in my chair to rest my head on its back. I recognize this tired. It means that I’m healing, and not getting enough sleep.

That’s why I doubt I’ll be awake at full dark. It’s hot–almost too hot to sleep–but I need sleep more than anything.

I feel like this should be significant, that I’m healing-tired on the day of an eclipse, of a full moon, of a back-to-back double eclipse which I harnessed and turned into the completion of a proof-of-concept project. On a lark, I answered a request for a writer and will likely have a freelance gig starting next week.

All progress toward my goals.

Is it coincidence? No. I don’t believe in coincidence. Is it significant? I won’t know until the fulness of time unfurls itself. But that doesn’t mean the eclipses caused anything. I promised myself I would finish this project by July all the way back in January, when I actively distrusted astrology and believed in linear causality.

I have some good momentum now. Volunteering, side gigs (for money and with the hopes of money), a date that actually sounds promising, creative things happening. Even my workouts have become a habitual practice.

I am ready. But to be ready I must sleep.

I’ll leave you with a little tidbit:

If you want to be a #writer,

You must know this:


Drink it!
Fuck it!
Spread it!
Breathe it!
Gorge on it!

Even sorrow is beautiful!

And all the great writer were Drunks.

Image of the week: last week’s news

I had a long day full of emotions, I’m tired, and this photo reminds me that there are still fighters in this world.

God bless America, and goodnight.

Video of the week: body language edition

It’s Friday, I’m drinking a Gin Pellegrino, and it’s time to post an image of the week.

I’m tempted to post the image of Trump sitting in Winston Churchill’s chair, but really any of the photos of Trump would be good this week.

However, another notable event happened in the form of Peter Strzok’s Congressional hearing. And if you took the time to view it in any form, you would have seen some…interesting…body language from him.

Fortunately for us, we have Mandy at Bombard’s Body Language to interpret. I particularly liked her video on Strzok. It covers not only him, but the FBI lawyer and some of the power squabbles amongst the congressmen.

Direct link

What struck me about Strzok’s body language is how much of his energy is sitting right behind his eyes, really forward in his head. He’s probably stressed out, and fully engaged, and trying to remember all of what the FBI has told him to lie about, but it’s a really weird look. He feels imbalanced somehow, like he’s only focused outwardly and not internally at all, like a normal person. Usually we’re somewhat balanced between inner and outer perception.

Anyway, this observation is what really caught my attention. Bombard began talking about the roles that the different congressmen were playing as they jockeyed for power.

“If you took out all of the crazy people then there wouldn’t be any crazy people.” No, that is not true. In any group, no matter the size, you’re going to have a leader, you’re going to have an enforcer, you’re going to have a believer, you’re going to have a clown, you’re going to have an idiot, and you’re going to have a crazy person. No matter what the size. You could take all those people out who stand out [in the crowd], and another leader would arise, another enforcer would arise, another idiot would arise, and so on. The only reason that they all don’t rise is because those with stronger minds suppress those who don’t have the strong minds.

This is why it’s important to have a strong mind–and to show it.


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