Some weeks, are easy. Other weeks are hard. This week, everything is fake fake fake. The world feels like a hall of mirrors, a raft of lies, a neverending stack of turtles. One of the best ways that I’ve seen this feeling described is in John C Wright’s City Beyond Time: Tales from the Fall of Metachronopolis, where arrogant time travellers fold so many alternate timelines over each other—like the folding and stretching of saltwater taffy—that eventually you can’t tell what’s real and what isn’t. Mr Wright has a delightful way with words, distilling grand concepts into striking, fairylike scenes that stick in your mind like cobwebs. I highly recommend his work.


» Apparently University of Farmington has been a fake university all along. (Spoiler: it’s an ICE sting.)

» Appreciate beauty:

Keep strengthening your beauty appreciation apparatus and it will drastically change your relationship with your sensory field, with your mind, and with your consciousness. Rather than having your interest and attention immersed in the churning babble of the labeling, dividing mind, your interest and attention begins moving to the sheer gorgeousness of everything that appears in your field of awareness; sensory input, thoughts, feelings, and the experience of being alive itself.

» I’m personally more interested in health than in weight loss, but I was just introduced to Seth Roberts and the Shangri-La diet. It’s fascinating to see how our bodies and our brains are connected.

» How Hollywood Invented Ben Shapiro. Honestly, this just makes me dislike him more.

» I’m losing track of all the Literal Hitlers in the world.

» Yes, please. (Warning; beautiful, expensive shoes.)

» Howard Schultz, former Starbucks CEO, announces that he’s interested in running for president as an Independent instead of Democrat. CNN responds by publishing 5 hitpieces on him. Fascinating.

» Something mysterious is blocking vehicle key fobs from working in a small Alberta town

» When Taemin performs “Move” with other backup dancers, you can’t help but watch him. When Taemin performs “Move” with his choreographer/teacher, you can’t help but watch her.